August-New Work

Ikebana-line and balance

I'm just beginning to do some new work, and I wanted to share it here. There is a tendancy for me to go a while without doing anything. I just get too busy, my brain is in a different mode, and i just don't spend time creating. That's one thing I want to work on in the coming year, being able to create works of ikebana more often. Right now I am using the back yard as my studio, which is pretty cool. I was inspired by the exhibit "In the Forest of Fontainebleau: Painters and Photographers from Corot to Monet" at the National Gallery of Art earlier this summer. The forest of Fontainebleau became a "natural studio" for French and foreign artists. I don't have a studio to work in and the concept struck me as perfect for the warmer months. So far it is working out pretty well! So enjoy the new pictures, and feel gree to leave a comment.

Ikebana-floating flowers

Lines and curves

Ikebana in a sake bottle

Ikebana- nagiere

Ikebana with dahlias

Ikebana emphasizing the surface of leaves


Baiko and JW said...

beautifully massed leaves with perfectly placed flower -with it's stark colour- as focus point

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